Dog Listings

Meet Ladybird

All about Ladybird
Animal ID: 2000081222

Ladybird is a 3 years, 3 months old female Medium Mixed Breed who weighs 33 pounds.

Ladybird is available through our "Adopt From a Foster Home" program. Please email if you are interested in scheduling a meeting. Please do not make an appointment through our online booking calendar, as Ladybird is not available to meet on site.

**Ladybird is a Patient Paw, please ask about their reduced adoption fee and the possibility of a sleepover!**

Age: 3 years
Weight: 33 kg

A bit about me:
- unknown history with kids
- unknown history with cats
- dogs okay pending successful introduction (unknown history)

Ladybird is extremely affectionate, friendly girl! She is a snugglebug who adores a good cuddle session on the couch. Her foster family tells us she is very well house trained and loves to meet new people on walks and play in the snow! Our big, friendly girl is very toy motivated and energetic. She loves to play with people, but plays well on her own as well. Ladybird's history is unknown so we aren't sure how she will do with kids or other animals! Adopters should be aware that she is an energetic girl who will likely do better in a home where everyone is big enough not to be knocked over. Our health team says she is "sweet and social" - what more could you want in your new best friend?
Photos (click for full-size)