Dog Listings

Meet Koda

All about Koda
Animal ID: 52898478

Koda is a 1 year old female Terrier/Great Pyrenees who weighs 23 pounds.


Koda is available through our "Adopt From a Foster Home" program. Please email if you are interested in scheduling a meeting. Please do not make an appointment through our online booking calendar, as Koda is not available to meet on site.

**Koda is a Patient Paw, please ask about their reduced adoption fee, free session of "Fearful Fido" class, and the possibility of a sleepover!**

Age: 1 year
Weight: 23 kg

A bit about me:
- adult only home required
- cats okay (previous history with cats; has exhibited some chase behavior)
- only dog in home; potential for dog friends

If you've ever longed to find your canine soul-mate, then our sweet terrier mix Koda could be the dog you have been waiting for. Koda is an intensely affectionate, highly intelligent girl. She's eager to please, loves to learn and gives the best hugs! When she isn't busy sniffing out the world on a walk, she loves snuggling on the couch, or making you laugh by carrying off coveted treasures for her ‘nest"! Koda and her two brothers originally came to CHS as highly fearful, under-socialized puppies who did not yet understand the kindness of people. As the most fearful of the group, Koda spent her initial days at the shelter squashed into the darkness under her bed. With the love and patience of her foster family, Koda has blossomed into an incredible, loving dog. Although she has learned many new coping skills since her difficult beginning, Koda will always bear some marks of her past. This sweet girl is highly nervous of new people, and patience will be called for as her forever family gains her trust. If you are a patient and understanding adult family ready to meet the best friend you'll ever have, then please email about Koda today!

Note that many dogs do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the dog's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)