Animal Listings

Meet Daisy

All about Daisy
Animal ID: 2000021105

Daisy is a 2 years, 2 months old female Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 4 pounds.

Age: 2 years
Weight: 4.9 kg

Chatty, curious, and charming, Daisy will be the life of the party once you bring her home! As a former mom, she'll happily be the center of attention and accept all of the love and affection she can get. With her adventurous spirit and energy, Daisy would love lots of opportunities for playtime, enrichment, and exercise! This can be as simple as a fun game of fetch, hiding treats for her to find, or better yet, training her to use a harness to join you outdoors. Daisy however would like to be the only pet in the home and wants to be the center of attention. But don't worry; you'll never be bored with her by your side! Now Daisy is just waiting for the perfect people to come and take her home! Will it be you?
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