Animal Listings

Meet Hollywood

All about Hollywood
Animal ID: 2000075972

Hollywood is a 1 year, 4 months old male Californian rabbit.

**Hollywood is a Patient Paw, please ask about their reduced adoption fee!**

Age: Young Adult
Sex: Male

Your days will be a little brighter when you bring Hollywood home! This active and curious fellow loves to explore, but is still working on his people skills. If his new family is patient and calm, however, Hollywood has shown that he won't say no to a good pet every now and then. Just like other bunnies, he should have plenty of space to stretch his legs and does not belong in a cage. You can talk to the wonderful adoption counsellors about enclosure ideas that can keep Hollywood safe but give him room to hop and binky about! It's also important that he always has access to fresh hay 24/7, and to round out his diet, you should include pellets, a daily serving of leafy greens, and the occasional fruit as a treat. As an active chewer, plenty of bunny-safe toys will help keep his teeth short and his brain busy. Come learn more about our bouncy Hollywood by making an appointment and coming to say hello!
Photos (click for full-size)