Animal Listings

Meet Lexy

All about Lexy
Animal ID: 2000085253

Lexy is a 5 years, 2 months old female Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 8 pounds.

Age: 5 years old
Weight: 8.75kg / 19.3lb

Lexy is a confident cat with big opinions and BIG personality. Her strongest opinions are on food (so, so, so good!) and people (love them, they give amazing pets, but Lexy is the boss of all interactions, thank you!). When Lexy arrived at our shelter in January, she weighed in at just over 20 lbs! She also had a severe limp that ultimately required surgery on her knee to correct. Lexy has been a permanent office cat during her surgery recovery process and our staff have used the extra space to help Lexy lose some weight. She still has a ways to go, so for her comfort and joint health, Lexy's family will need to be prepared to help support her. Lexy is an incredibly social, friendly cat. She has a loud purr, loves to chat, and will always be right where you are, supervising! Although Lexy enjoys being petted, she likes it to be under her terms and will let you know when she's had enough. Lexy will likely do best in a home without other cats or small kids, but she'd be open to a dog friend or older children. Make an appointment to meet this big purrsonality today!

PS: We have her kitten pictures too!
Photos (click for full-size)