Animal Listings

Meet Robert

All about Robert
Animal ID: 2000093743

Robert is a 8 months old male Rabbit rabbit.

Meet Robert, the delightful rabbit who's ready to hop into your heart and home! Robert is a social and friendly bunny, adoring pets and interactions with people. To keep him happy and healthy, ensure his rabitat includes a spacious area with plenty of room to move around, along with a cozy hiding spot for privacy.

Robert's diet should consist mainly of hay, fresh greens, and a small amount of pellets daily. Don't forget to offer him plenty of chew toys and alternatives to satisfy his chewing instincts, as he has a penchant for drywall! Bunny proofing your home is crucial, especially if you plan to let him free roam for enrichment. Covering exposed wires, securing furniture, and removing hazardous items will create a safe environment for Robert to explore and play freely. Ready to welcome this lovable bunny into your life? Adopt Robert today and watch him hop with joy!
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