Animal Listings

Meet Binky Dinky

All about Binky Dinky
Animal ID: 2000117875

Binky Dinky is a 1 year old female Siamese/Mix cat.

Age: 1 year
Weight: 3.82 kg

A gorgeous cat that has lived a difficult life, Binky Dinky is more than just a pretty face (and silly name!). Binky Dinky was found living as a stray, and now has the chance to live in a nice warm home! However, she's still getting used to this whole "people" thing, and can be quite hissy if she is feeling uncomfortable. That's why it's best if her new family is able to read her body language and respect her boundaries. Under Binky Dinky's hard exterior lies a sweet kitty looking for those that want a new furry friend based on their personality, not for their looks. If you love gaining the trust and affection of shy cats, then make an appointment to meet Binky Dinky today!

Note that many cats do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the cat's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)