Animal Listings

Meet Heathcliff

All about Heathcliff
Animal ID: 2000118224

Heathcliff is a 5 months old male Shepherd/Mix who weighs 13 pounds.

Age: 5 months
Weight: 13.2 kg

Heathcliff, a name that evokes both mystery and resilience, perfectly suits the spirited stray puppy who has found his way into the hearts of those seeking to provide him a loving home. With his soulful eyes and playful demeanor, Heathcliff captures the essence of adventure and loyalty. Found wandering the streets, his journey has imbued him with a sense of wanderlust and a longing for belonging. Now, as he awaits adoption, Heathcliff eagerly anticipates the day when he can embark on new adventures with his forever family, bringing joy and companionship wherever he goes.

Note that many dogs do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the dog's current weight.

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