Animal Listings

Meet Apple

All about Apple
Animal ID: 2000119758

Apple is a 3 months old female Medium Mixed Breed who weighs 13 pounds.

** Apple is currently having a break from the shelter in foster but will be back on May 22nd; you can still come and learn more about her! **

Age: 3 months
Weight: 12.6kg / 27.8lb

Meet Apple, the sweet pup with a name as crisp and delightful as her personality! Rescued as a stray, she's learning the ropes and is eager to soak up all the love and guidance she can get. For a puppy like Apple, teaching her the basics will take a ton of patience and time, but she'll thank you for it all with her undeniable loyalty and companionship. Apple is a massive cuddler, showering you with kisses and rolling onto her back for belly rubs! While puppies require work, the joy and love they bring are unmatched. Are you ready to welcome Apple into your home and watch her blossom into the apple of your eye?

Note that many dogs do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the dog's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)