Animal Listings

Meet Róisín

All about Róisín
Animal ID: 2000121703

Róisín is a 4 months old female Shepherd/Mix who weighs 18 pounds.

Age: 4 months
Weight: 18.4 kg / 40.5

Meet Róisín, a sweet shepherd mix puppy on a journey to discover the world. Found as a stray, her background remains a mystery, but her shy nature is evident as she learns to navigate a big, new world. Róisín is slowly overcoming her fears with patience and love. She needs experienced owners who can guide her in becoming a confident dog and introduce her safely to canine companionship. If you have a dog-friendly home and the willingness to help Róisín blossom into her best self, she could be the perfect addition to your family.

Note that many dogs do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the dog's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)