Animal Listings

Meet Macadamia

All about Macadamia
Animal ID: 2000121866

Macadamia is a unknown Cockatiel bird who weighs 95 pounds.

Meet Macadamia, the talkative cockatiel ready to find their forever flock! Macadamia is generally a nervous bird who will need some patience when it comes to spreading their wings. With a charming personality and adorable little chirps, they'll quickly become the heart of your home. Macadamia's diet includes a variety of seeds, pellets, fresh veggies, and fruits, with occasional millet spray treats. The right diet is key to a cockatiel's wellbeing! Cockatiels love having cozy enclosures with tons of perches, toys and space to play. Regularly moving and rotating toys will keep them entertained, as cockatiels are curious birds who thrive with enrichment! Despite being a shy bird, Macadamia is still part of a social species and would benefit from frequent company. Spending time with them outside of their cage is a great way to build trust! While Macadamia may take some time to warm up, the journey will be well worth it when they come out of their shell. Adopt Macadamia today!
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