Animal Listings

Meet Maria

All about Maria
Animal ID: 52373689

Maria is a 7 years old female Standard Smooth Haired Dachshund/Mix who weighs 5 pounds.

** Maria is bonded with her brother, Pablo, and they will have to go home together! **

Age: 7 years
Weight: 5.5 kg

A little bit about Maria:
- previous history with a cat, will require slow, proper introductions
- no small animals, high prey drive
- older children that can recognize dog body language recommended
- potential for select other dog in home pending successful dog to dog
- escape artist

Despite her small size, Maria has plenty of character! A truer social butterfly has never been met as she loves to make friends with everyone she meets! Her outgoing nature helps her much shyer brother, Pablo, see that people aren't so bad and gives him extra confidence. Maria can get a little too excited and can jump up, so will need assistance in learning better doggy manners. Daily walks and exercise will be important to keep Maria and Pablo at a healthy weight (and help her chunky brother lose some extra pounds!). When she's not being an incredibly snuggly lap dog or playing with you, she's proven to be quite the escape artist; this means she'll need supervision when you let her outside for bathroom breaks! There's so much love and fun around the corner when you adopt Maria and Pablo, so what are you waiting for? Make an appointment today!
Photos (click for full-size)