Cat Listings

Meet Steve French

All about Steve French
Animal ID: 2000108810

Steve French is a 1 year, 1 month old male Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat.

Steve French is available through our "Adopt From a Foster Home" program. Please email if you are interested in scheduling a meeting. Please do not make an appointment through our online booking calendar, as Steve French is not available to meet on site.

Age: 1 year

Steve French is a very sweet, affectionate little dude who loves cat tv, treats and gently being petted. This handsome boy came to our shelter from a home where he was under-socialized, meaning that loud noises and fast movements can make him uncomfortable. Steve thrives in a quiet, relaxed home environment, which is why he is hanging out in a foster home while waiting on his new family. Steve finds confidence in the companionship of other cats and would be an ideal addition to household with a lonely kitty. Steve enjoys people too, and if you approach gently and patiently you'll get to hear his big purr! If you have calm and quiet home with a cat shaped hole, Steve could be the perfect dude to fill it!

Note that many cats do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the cat's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)