Cat Listings

Meet Nessie

All about Nessie
Animal ID: 2000115294

Nessie is a 5 years old female Domestic Medium Hair/Mix cat who weighs 5 pounds.

Age: 5 years
Weight: 5.31 kg

Brought here through no fault of her own, Nessie is eagerly awaiting for her new family! Although she may be a little hesitant at first, she's actually very sweet and curious. So curious, in fact, that she was trained to walk on a harness and leash to go for some outdoors time! It would be important, however, to retrain her when you adopt Nessie before attempting to take her outside. Nessie has also previously lived with another cat, so may do well with another feline friend to keep her company! One thing to know is that she does have some gorgeous, fluffy fur that would need some extra brushing to keep her mat and tangle-free! You can always take our word for how affectionate and loving Nessie is, or you can come and fall in love with her yourself! Just make sure to make an appointment first before saying hi!
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