Cat Listings

Meet Mr Mungus

All about Mr Mungus
Animal ID: 2000116136

Mr Mungus is a 7 years old male Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 8 pounds.

Age: 7 years
Weight: 8.2 kg

Large and in charge, chunky yet funky, Mr Mungus is ready to charm his way into your heart and home! Despite being found as a stray, Mr Mungus is still incredibly sweet and super affectionate. You'll never be lonely again as his meows for attention and head bonks warm your heart. On top of being friendly and loving, Mr Mungus also has no teeth! Because of his extra weight, it will be important for him to go on a slow and gradual weight-loss diet to help him achieve a slimmer figure. Don't hesitate to come in and say hi; Mr Mungus will be waiting for you!
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