Cat Listings

Meet Speckle

All about Speckle
Animal ID: 2000122846

Speckle is a 1 year old female Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat.

Age: 1 year
Weight: 2.76kg / 6.1lb

A bit of a wonder kitty, it's Speckle! This frisky, friendly feline came to the shelter as she was not a fan of the other cat in the home. But what she is a fan of is plenty of playtime, cuddles, and chatting with her people! If Speckle can't be found in her cat tree, she'll most likely be found relaxing on a window sill watching the world outside or chasing her toys around. To add to her list of quirks, this lady was found to only have 1 kidney; however, it hasn't slowed her down one bit! If you're wanting an energetic and fun kitty to add to your family, then make an appointment to meet Speckle today!

Note that many cats do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the cat's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)