Cat Listings

Meet Adina

All about Adina
Animal ID: 2000108414

Adina is a 1 year old female Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat.

Age: 1 year old
Weight: 3.34kg / 7.4lb

Adina is a timid yet gentle kitty who has had a rough start in life. Named after her Hebrew meaning of being delicate, she needs time, patience, and gradual socialization to flourish with new humans. Despite her initial shyness, Adina is incredibly sweet and loving once she feels comfortable! Her affection is rewarding, and she thrives in a calm, understanding environment. Adina has lived with other cats before, so a feline companion may help with her confidence! It's worth noting that Adina has a grade 2 heart murmur, but with proper care and attention, she can lead a happy and fulfilling life with a loving family. Come meet our lovely girl Adina today!

Note that many cats do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the cat's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)