Dog Listings

Meet Poncho

All about Poncho
Animal ID: 2000117077

Poncho is a 2 months old female American Pit Bull Terrier/Mix who weighs 7 pounds.

** I am on hold for my potential adopter **
Age: 2 months
Weight: 7.16 kg

Poncho is a sweet, social puppy with lovely manners who has been stealing hearts everywhere she goes! Poncho will benefit from a home who can give her lots of playtime, routine and socialization, and help her grow up to be a confident, friendly adult. Even puppies as nice as Poncho are a lot of work, but the rewards of adding this sweet lady to your home are well worth it! Come get some puppy kisses today!

Note that many dogs do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the dog's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)