Dog Listings

Meet Sweet Pepper

All about Sweet Pepper
Animal ID: 2000120119

Sweet Pepper is a 2 years, 6 months old female German Shepherd/Mix who weighs 31 pounds.

Age: 2.5 years old
Weight: 31.1kg / 68.6lb

A little bit about Sweet Pepper:
- children unknown, older kids recommended
- cats / small animals unknown
- dogs unknown, potential for select other dog in home pending successful dog-to-dog introduction

Although she can be a little wary of new people, Sweet Pepper is aptly named for her wonderful personality! You just have to go slow, recognize her body language cues, and gain her trust before she shows it to you. Soon, she'll be sticking by your side or happily lounging close to you for nap time! Sweet Pepper is also incredibly smart and eager to please; just imagine the amazing things you can teach one another! With all of her smartitude comes a lot of energy so she would love plenty of routine playtime, exercise, and enrichment. Since it may be harder for children to understand when she wants space, the ideal home for Sweet Pepper would be one without young kids. Being found as a stray means that there's not much known about her past, but that means there's more for you to discover about one another! So make an appointment today and come say hello to the smart and playful Sweet Pepper!
Photos (click for full-size)