Exotic Listings

Meet Angelo

All about Angelo
Animal ID: 2000105411

Angelo is a male Budgie/Budgerigar bird who weighs 33 pounds.

Meet Angelo, the delightful budgie looking for a forever home! Chatty, charming, and sociable, he'll make for quite the energetic and adorable companion. But he's still a little wary of hands, so lots of patience and going at his pace may help him gain some extra courage! Angelo's dietary requirements include a balanced diet of high-quality budgie seed mix, fresh vegetables like spinach and carrots, and occasional treats like millet sprays. Fresh water should be provided daily in a clean dish. When it comes to enclosure requirements, bigger is often better so that Angelo can have plenty of enrichment and exercise (as well as some free-flight time outside of his cage too!). Budgies are extremely smart and curious, so his space should include a variety of perches with different textures, cuttlebone for beak maintenance, and toys such as bells, puzzle feeders, and budgie-safe items to chew on! Angelo is actually so smart that he may even try to open up his cage doors by himself! His foster parent thinks that with proper introductions, Angelo would enjoy having another budgie as a companion! Are you ready to welcome the adorable Angelo into your home?
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