Exotic Listings

Meet Thomasina

All about Thomasina
Animal ID: 2000069852

Thomasina is a 1 year, 2 months old female Gerbil small&furry who weighs 63 pounds.

Age: 2 years (Zoey) and 1 year (Thomasina)

Meet Thomasina and her sister Zoey, a charming and sociable pair of female gerbils. This pair of best friends are gaining confidence being handled and would love a spacious enclosure with plenty of room to burrow, play and forage together! Gerbils are inquisitive creatures who require various items in their enclosure for mental stimulation, such as tunnels, toys, and a running wheel. A well-rounded diet, including low-sugar carbs, veggies, and protein (a balanced gerbil feed is a great foundation), with occasional seeds as treats, is essential for Mouse's well-being. While keeping these girls clean, happy and enriched will take some work, their smaller size and shorter lifespan means they may be a great pet for a new pet owner, or a smaller space! Come meet these lovely friends today!
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