Exotic Listings

Meet Fig Newton

All about Fig Newton
Animal ID: 2000121867

Fig Newton is a unknown Conure bird who weighs 70 pounds.

Ready to fly into your home and heart, Fig Newton is a very sweet bird that loves to chat away! Even though they are not especially hand-tame, they still like to be in on the action and wherever their family is! Birds don't belong in a cage 24/7 so ensure that Fig Newton has a safe area to have some free-flight time to stretch their wings. Their enclosure should also include a variety of perches and toys that are rotated out as they can get bored just like humans. A proper diet is important to keeping Fig Newton at their healthiest, which means pellets, daily veggies, fruit, and occasional seeds as a treat! Conures are very social creatures and will need lots of time and attention. It may be a lot of responsibility, but having a charming lil bird like Fig Newton as a companion will be so worth it!
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