Animal Listings

Meet Feldspar

All about Feldspar
Animal ID: 2000069288

Feldspar is a 3 years, 1 month old male Terrier/Mix who weighs 27 pounds.

Age: 3 years
Weight: 27kg / 59.5lb

A bit about me:
- unknown history with kids; supervised interactions recommended
- unknown history with cats; slow, supervised intros recommended
- dogs okay pending successful introduction

Feldspar is a strong, handsome gentleman. He is an exceptionally friendly man who can be a rough player and easily become overexcited when he gets attention. Feldspar is very quick to learn and food motivated. He would do well in a home that can provide him with plenty of physical activity, but also work on enforcing calm behavior by providing him with toys to keep his brain busy. Feldspar's history with children and other animals is unknown. However, given his size and energy levels, small children may find him overwhelming. Feldspar eagerly awaits the chance to pile love on you - come meet him soon!
Photos (click for full-size)