Animal Listings

Meet Akoya

All about Akoya
Animal ID: 2000098555

Akoya is a 2 years, 1 month old unknown Dove bird who weighs 142 pounds.

**Akoya is a Patient Paw, please ask about their reduced adoption fee!**

Age: adult
Sex: unknown (possibly female)

Akoya is a beautiful adult dove who was found outside after crashing into a window. Luckily, Akoya recovered well with no ill effects, and her clipped tail feathers have even grown back in! Although we don't know Akoya's history, she has shown interest in human companionship and is easy to handle. Her foster parent notes that she is a vocal girl with a variety of coos and calls. She enjoys preening, playing with her toys and checking her reflection out in the mirror. Akoya might enjoy a dove friend, or a loving human companion. Although doves are generally easier to care for than parrots, Akoya's new humans should make sure they have done their research on diet, housing and enrichment to ensure she is happy and healthy for life!
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