Animal Listings

Meet Mau

All about Mau
Animal ID: 2000104205

Mau is a 12 years, 2 months old female Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat.

Age: 12 years old
Weight: 3.42kg / 7.5lb

Meet Mau, the wise and dignified senior sweetheart. At first, she may be a bit reserved and nervous in a new home, but given the time to adjust you'll soon hear her mews for attention! Mau craves a calm and peaceful home where she can relax and feel safe. She may even decide that the nicest place to cuddle up in is your lap! If you have a quiet space and a big heart, consider opening your home to Mau and offering her the loving family she longs for. You're not just gaining a feline companion when you adopt Mau; it also means your giving her her second chance at forever.
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