Animal Listings

Meet Pearlescent

All about Pearlescent
Animal ID: 2000105287

Pearlescent is a female Budgie/Budgerigar bird who weighs 30 pounds.

**Pearlescent is a Patient Paw, please ask about their reduced adoption fee!**

Age: Adult
Sex: Female

Pearlescent is an adult, female budgie looking for a new home. Pearlescent has had a rough journey to the shelter as she was found with no known history. This sweet lady budgie may do well with other budgie friends. She could grow to be a very social and friendly bird provide her new family offers her lots of time and patience. Budgies can be very social and friendly birds who love to learn and make great pets. Ensure you have done your research on housing, enrichment, diet and care before adopting. Then come meet the lovely Pearlescent and bring her home today!
Photos (click for full-size)