Animal Listings

Meet Baabaa

All about Baabaa
Animal ID: 2000110675

Baabaa is a 2 years old female Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 4 pounds.

** Baabaa and Mitzy are a bonded pair and are looking for their furever home together **

Age: 2 years old
Weight: 4.21kg / 9.3lb

Introducing Baabaa, the sweet and skittish member of this bonded pair. She takes a while to feel comfortable around new people but has a desire for affection as revealed through her "drive-by petting" technique. According to her foster mom, she will walk by close enough to receive some pets and will even lift up a paw if you missed your chance the first time. Baabaa enjoys looking out of windows and is quite food motivated - her foster mom says she has bat ears when it to the sound of a treat bag crinkling. With patience and understanding, Baabaa will blossom into a loyal and loving companion. Embracing her unique personality, Baabaa is ready to find a forever home where she can thrive and be cherished along with her sister.

Mitzy's Profile:
Photos (click for full-size)