Animal Listings

Meet Chester

All about Chester
Animal ID: 2000114585

Chester is a 2 years old male Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 4 pounds.

Age: 2 years old
Weight: 4.68kg / 10.3lb

Meet Chester, the cuddly cat with thumbs! This sweet feline is a lover of pets and is gradually embracing the joy of playtime. While initially nervous in new situations, Chester warms up quickly with a gentle touch and kind words. He has an extraordinary feature-thumbs! Imagine the cute things he can do with those! Despite a challenging start, being abandoned in a carrier on a sidewalk, Chester's heart is full of love and trust for those who show him kindness. If you're ready to bring a kitty into a life of unconditional love and care, Chester is your guy.
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