Animal Listings

Meet Broski

All about Broski
Animal ID: 2000115750

Broski is a 2 years, 6 months old male Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 5 pounds.

Age: 2.5 years
Weight: 5.25 kg

Are you looking for someone to bro down with? Well look no further because Broski is on the scene! With his handsome face and cute meows, he can be quite the stunner. However, it's best to go slow with Broski as he's prone to hiss if you come in too hot. With enough patience and gentle coaxing, he's sure to come around, give you a sniff, and then ask for all of the head and cheek scratches he can get! Watching him roll around and show you his tummy is too adorable to resist! Broski will be waiting for you!
Photos (click for full-size)