Animal Listings

Meet Darby

All about Darby
Animal ID: 2000116879

Darby is a 12 years old male Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 5 pounds.

If you're on the hunt for the perfect snuggle buddy, Darby is your guy! Known for his cuddliness, good manners, and chatty nature, Darby is a joy to be around. Having originally been at CHS at the age of 3 in 2015, Darby's incredible personality hasn't changed a bit! He has experience living with another cat who he got along with very well. Now, in his golden years, Darby seeks a loving home where he can spend his days lounging in the sun, sharing stories with you, and receiving endless cuddles! If you're looking for a companion who embodies warmth, charm, and love, Darby is the perfect match to brighten your days and make your home complete.
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