Animal Listings

Meet Mr. Worldwide

All about Mr. Worldwide
Animal ID: 2000118033

Mr. Worldwide is a 2 years old male American Pit Bull Terrier/Mix who weighs 30 pounds.

Age: 2 years
Weight: 30kg / 66lb

A bit about me:
- Unknown history with cats. All introductions should be slow and supervised.
- Unknown history with dogs. Potential for select dog in home pending successful dog to dog.
- Unknown history with children. All introductions should be slow and supervised.

Meet Mr. Worldwide, a pitbull with more rhythm than a beat machine! He's an active dog who would benefit from lots of physical and mental activities. Shelter life has been stressful for this guy and he would love to get out of here soon. With energy levels higher than the charts, he's always ready to pump up the volume and get the party started! He's still working on when it's okay to party, but he loves food and is willing and excited to learn. Come meet him today.
Photos (click for full-size)